Saturday, December 24, 2011

Unspeakable Joy to the World!

"But when the time arrived that was set by God the Father, God sent His Son,
born among us of a woman, born under the conditions of the law
so that He might redeem those of us who have been held captive by the law.

"Thus we have been set free to experience our rightful heritage.

"You can tell for sure that you are now fully adopted as His own children because God sent the Spirit of His Son into our lives crying out, 'Papa! Father!'

"Doesn't that privilege of intimate conversation with God make it plain that you are not a slave, but a child?

"And if you are a child, you are also an heir,
with complete access to your inheritance through His Son, Jesus."
~ Galatians 4:4-7, The Message

Joy...unspeakable JOY, to the world! The Lord has come! Let us rejoice and be glad in Him!

Sweet blessings and Merry Christmas to you,

If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page to get your joy poppin' on this Christmas morning with a song by Chris Tomlin.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Son of His Love

"The Father has delivered and drawn us to Himself out of the control and the dominion of darkness and has transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have our redemption through His blood, which means the forgiveness of our sins. He is the exact likeness of the unseen God, the visible representation of the invisible; He is the Firstborn of all creation." ~ Colossians 1:13-15, Amplified

Oh dear ones, can we fathom the depth of His love?

A love so great.
A love so real.
A love which encompasses all our need.

The Father saw our need. He desired to dwell among us. But how? A Holy God cannot embrace a creation compromised by sin. A Holy God cannot walk with us and talk with us.

But He yearned to be with His children.
To comfort them.
To heal them.
To restore their broken lives.

A love so great.

A relentless God pursued us with His love through His Son, Jesus. He did not give up on us. He saw our hearts when we had nothing to give in return. And He called us by name. Can you hear Him? Can you hear Him whispering your name?

Close your eyes and see the night love was born.

Father God! Your love amazes me, humbles me. Your love makes me whole. I rejoice in Your love Father. Thank You, thank You. Open our eyes to see Jesus this Christmas. Bless You Lord! We give You praise!
If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page. You won't want to miss this glorious music video, "When Love Was Born" by Mark Schultz.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

There's Just Something About That Name!

And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.
(Mathew 1:21, New King James Version)


There's just something about that sweet name!

One day, very soon, we will be saying that name for all eternity! Are you facing something today that you feel is overwhelming you? Just call on that name! It's the name that can calm the storm, heal the broken, and restore lives. It's that precious name of Jesus. When the angel came to Mary to tell her that she would be the one to conceive that child, wow! To think, you will be carrying the most precious gift-the gift of Jesus! That thrills my heart! So, let me encourage you, during this very hectic time of year, call on that name...the name above any other...Jesus!

Father, we worship you! Let us remember to call out that precious name...the sweetest name on earth. Lord we love You and we praise You.