Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Scriptures of Encouragement ~ A Breath of Desire & His Spirit Responds

I had the sweetest time with Jesus this morning.

If you have read Morning Glory for any length of time, you know how much I enjoy the devotional, "God Calling" by A.J. Russell. This morning the word from the Lord, through this precious book, was: "And seeking you shall find. None ever sought My Presence in vain. None ever sought My Help in vain. A breath of desire and My Spirit is there - to replenish and renew."

I rested on this for a while - pondering, seeking, considering.

You know what I realized? I realized that God has been teaching me volumes about this so that I, in turn, can teach and share with you. About three years ago I set out to seek God with my whole heart. I had walked with Him for over thirty years, but I knew that there was much I had not grasped. 

So, I began to seek Him. Thoroughly. Openly. Earnestly.
And I seek Him still today.

I ask Him lots of questions. I have prayed over and over that He would open my eyes that I might see Him - that He would open my ears so I might hear His sweet whispers. I have prayed that He would enlighten the eyes of my heart with understanding.

I have asked my Lord to take me deeper in my walk with Him.

"The Lord confides [as a friend] in those who revere Him; He makes His covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only He will release my feet from the snare." ~ Psalm 25:14,15, NIV

I believe the Lord delights in making Himself known to us. Can you wrap your mind around that thought? Elohim, the Creator of the Universe, wants us to know Him intimately! El Elyon, the Most High God, loves us with an everlasting love - a love beyond comprehension! He wants us to understand that, not only is His Spirit  within us - the Believer, but His Presence surrounds us much like the pillar of fire that led the children of God through the wilderness when He delivered them from Egypt (Exodus 14). He encompasses His children round about. He holds us by the hand. We find shelter in the shadow of His wing. 

It's quite amazing, isn't it?

He wants you to know that if you will seek Him, He will be found.

Father God, Your love still amazes me and I am so very thankful for that. I pray that I will never grow complacent in my love for You. I pray that I will search for You with all my heart until the day I leave this earth, for it is in the searching that we learn the glory of Your Name, the power of Your might, and the depth of Your love. Thank You Lord. Thank You.
I am currently booking speaking events for fall and winter. No group is too small nor is any group too large, for where two or more are gathered He is in our midst. I am available for WMU meetings, Embrace, Ladies Circles, Christmas teas, prayer retreats...whatever your ladies need. For more information visit my website: Jubilant Light Ministries. The following is an excerpt from a message I gave in Sugar Grove, Virginia.

If you received Morning Glory via email, please go to the Morning Glory page to worship with Rita Springer as she sings a powerful song, "All My Days". I promise you will be blessed.


  1. Nan, here you go again! You've found your way into my brain! As you know, I've been seeking the Lord for the last few years as well. I've been seeking him on what my next move is as far as my ministry goes. I'd love to have a huge following, but I've finally come to realize that if that never happens, that's ok. I'm not Beth Moore! And there's something else I've realized as well. The thing that has kept me from speaking to ladies is shere fear. Although I can't see them physically, I'm terrified of what they're thinking of me. I'm scared that I won't be able to prepare like I need to. I'm scared that because I can't access the latest study materials online because of my computer software, it won't be good enough. This has really opened my eyes today. I need to come to the realization that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, it only matters what He has called me to...and I think the next step is for me to attend the Christian Communicators conference next year! Love you sweet friend!

    1. Dear Nan and Jamie,

      What joy to know the two of you from a distance and yet so close! There is no distance with Jesus. He knows how to knit hearts and pull those heart strings closer to Him and to each other. Thank you Nan for the beautiful post. How awesome to think the Lord will confide in us and talk with us when our hearts are totally surrendered and our eyes focused on Him. I know you wll be praying for Jamie and I in the weeks to come. I've never an online study before and I need wisdom and boldness to do what the Lord leads me to do. Jamie, I agree, CCC would be a great place to go to get strengthened. It totally changed my life, and outlook and gave me confidence that the Lord used weak vessels when we make ourselves available...and oh the comraderie of sisters in the Lord with similar giftilngs. Sorry for the epistle, ladies...just go carried away. Blessings to you both!!

    2. Jamie, I'm so proud of you. I sit back and watch you grow and think, "Wow God, what a work You are doing in this precious young woman." You go girl!

    3. Glenda, thank you so much for stopping by. I am excited about the work you and Jamie are doing together. I think it is AWESOME! I can't wait to be a part. I have learned that God only needs a willing heart - He will do the rest. He will guide, inspire, fill you with wisdom and pour out His grace. Sweet blessings to you!

  2. Really needed this... at this moment, Nan!! God always knows, doesn't He? Thank you for your faithfulness to reveal, not only your heart, but what God speaks to your heart!

    1. Mid!! Have I told you lately that I love you? I miss you and continue to appreciate the work you do to prepare us for our Coming King. You are a treasure in my life, a gift from heaven. Thank you for being my friend :)

  3. Thank you for this. It truely ministered to me. It reminded me how lucky I am that I am able to see and hear Him in everyday life. I saw Him today when i saw that little baby born. The feeling was so undescribable. There are so many of my friends that do not know how to look and listen to God. I try to tell them that it is the gentle whispers we here, the gentle nudge on our heart and the beauty in everyday life. He is truely everywhere, we just have to know how to look for Him. Thanks for ministering to me, sweet friend. You are one awesome child of God. You make Him so proud. I love you.

  4. I think the birth of a baby is one of the grandest miracles of all! When we are born again (born from above), I wonder if the angels watching feel the same way you did today as you watched a birth? I bet the answer is YES! What a miracle. Love you!
