Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Scriptures of Encouragement ~ Jesus Asked Me to Come

"Come to Me, Nan...Come to Me," the sweet Holy Spirit whispered to my heart. Over and over again the message remained the same. Oh, it showed up in different places - scripture, devotions, songs - but the message was the same: "Come to Me". Little did I know that the Lord was preparing me to have new understanding of this familiar phrase.

The phone rang, jarring me out of my concentration. I laid the Christmas ornament down. "Hello?"

"Darlin," David said. "I just found out I won't get paid until NEXT Monday. Not today. I'm sorry."

"Oh. Okay. Oh man...Okay," I fumbled for words. "Sweetheart, don't worry about it. God will make a way. I don't know how, but I know He'll make a way." My spirit spoke faith. My flesh, quietly, went bananas!

"That's exactly what I am feeling in my spirit, too," my sweetheart said, unaware of my growing panic.

I hung up the phone feeling like a little duck on the water. On the surface the duck glides along looking peaceful and calm, almost serene, but underneath HE IS PADDLING LIKE CRAZY!! Yep, underneath I was swimming as hard as I could to get away from the feelings of fear that pressed in on me.

"Come to Me, Nan."

There it was again. The same tender message resounded within my heart.

I stopped what I was doing and knelt by the couch. Closing my eyes, I imagined Jesus sitting on an enormous rock in a gently sloping pasture. I sat at His feet and looked into His eyes. "Lord," I said, "I'm obeying You. I'm coming to You for My provision. I'm coming to You for a peaceful mind. I'm coming to You to steady my heart. Thank You, Lord, for asking me to come."

I poured out my heart, emptying myself of all anxiety and frustration. I sat quietly for awhile, basking in His Presence. My frantic paddling ceased. "Fill me, Lord. Fill me with faith, with confidence and hope, knowing that You are Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Who Provides. Knowing that You will never leave me nor forsake me. Knowing that Your love never fails. You, Lord, are my peace."

In that moment, my panic subsided. Hope rose within Me. Grace covered me like a cozy blanket, protecting me from the enemy's tormenting glare.

Jesus told the people of Galilee, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Can you hear the still, small voice of Almighty God beckoning you to come? Please don't delay. He is waiting for you.

Father God, Your tender mercies are new every morning. Your faithfulness reaches to the highest heavens and Your love knows no bounds. Teach us to walk in these Truths. Teach us to live in each moment, knowing that You are in that moment with us. And Lord, open our ears to hear you calling our names, beckoning us to come and sit awhile with You. Thank You Lord. We love You so much.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page to worship with Kari Jobe as she sings, "Come To Me". This song will carry you to the throne of grace where you just might want to sit awhile and rest.


  1. Oh Nan, this was so powerful. If we would only come, things would be so much easier! Thank you so much for ministering to my spirit today! Love you!

  2. I have experienced this peace in the midst of a powerful storm and it's really awesome. When we were in the process of moving houses and everything seemed so dark (my inlaws absolutely refused to lend us a cent at a point, and we really needed the money to get something decent, we had already agreed to sell our apartment and the house we wanted was totally out of our reach), the Lord told us to stand still and watch what He would do... That situation lasted not days but months... Slowly improving but it took almost the length of a pregnancy to be fully solved. Yes, the house process was as painful as giving birth to a baby. Now we have the house we dreamed of, and the relationships that were so strained during the process went back to normal. Praise the Lord!
