Sunday, November 1, 2015

Where Is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones  

Lord, I'm reminded that life's rhythm is like the ebb and flow of a salty tide, but You, Lord are the Master of the sea. Fear rolls in with its frothy, swirling bite and it retreats - banished by Your powerful Name. Sorrow rushes at us, its tendrils pulling, grasping in its attempt to cause us to lose our footing, but You Lord are greater, Your grip on us stronger. Thank You Lord. Your love is amazing.

Hold my friends close. Let them feel the grasp of Your hand holding them securely, guiding them safely through treacherous waters. Comfort them Lord.

We find comfort in Your steadfast love and faithfulness to care for us. You are a Mighty God - merciful and good. Thank You Lord. We trust You to work all things for our good. Open the eyes of our hearts to see You holding onto our hand and help us embrace the reality that You will never let us go. We love You Lord and we give You praise.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when the unexpected happens? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)

Please don't carry your burden alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at



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