Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Finding God's Presence ~ Does God Still Set A Table Before Us?

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Traipsing beneath the old apple tree, I poured the tiny morsels into each birdfeeder. An abundance of seed overflowed to the ground below, expanding the table for the birds' feast. A winter storm crept toward the horizon like an ominous enemy that would threaten their food source and well-being. I wanted to make sure my feathered friends were cared for before the storm hit.

It wasn't long before the branches of the apple tree were filled with activity. Chattered proclamations of delight rang thru the air. Chickadees, nuthatches, sparrows - even an ornery blue jay filled the naked branches, hopping from limb to limb to view the scrumptious sight before perching on the feeder's ledge. I took joy watching the feast from my kitchen window.

How often has the Lord prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies - enemies like heartache, fear, doubt? Was I delighted at His goodness? Was I thankful?  Did I proclaim His faithfulness in the midst of the storm?

Or did I take it for granted.

I can only hope that my reaction to the Lord's mercy blesses Him as much as I was blessed by the birds' reaction to the table I set for them - a table in the presence of a foreboding enemy lurking just over the ridge. 


God, my shepherd!
    I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
    you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
    you let me catch my breath
    and send me in the right direction.
 Even when the way goes through
    Death Valley,
I’m not afraid
    when you walk at my side.
Your trusty shepherd’s crook
    makes me feel secure.

 You serve me a six-course dinner
    right in front of my enemies.

You revive my drooping head;
    my cup brims with blessing.

 Your beauty and love chase after me
    every day of my life.
I’m back home in the house of God
    for the rest of my life.
~ Psalm 23, MSG

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when my enemies lurk around me? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)


My publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas, is offering a kindle copy of my book, The Perils of a Pastor's Wife, for 99 cents through Thursday night, March 3rd. It's a perfect time to see why this book is helping so many people, but also, the Lord gave me a great idea: buy a couple of copies (purchase as gift copies), email them to yourself and then you'll have then on hand if a friend is going through a hard time. It would be like sending a greeting card of hope and encouragement, but so much more. Here's the link if you're interested: Amazon




  1. Our God is so faithful and holds us safely in His hands.. thank you for reminding me that He is my Shepherd

    1. Thank you for your kind words. I'm a visual learner so I love this image of the Lord. It helps me relate to His presence in my life.

  2. "I can only hope that my reaction to the Lord's mercy blesses Him as much as I was blessed by the birds' reaction to the table I set for them - a table in the presence of a foreboding enemy lurking just over the ridge." Wow! What an intriguing thought. I don't read The Message version of the Bible very often, almost never, but this is such a different wording of the 23rd Psalm. I like it. What a wonderfully insightful blog post. Thank you Nan! :-)

    1. Thanks Marcie. The Message is a little too loosey-goosey for me too, but I use it as a reference sometimes to gain new insight on a scripture. I loved this version of a favorite psalm also. So glad it blessed you.
