Thursday, July 28, 2011

Praise His Name!

"Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; His is my God, and I trust Him." ~ Psalm 91:1,2

It seems that so many of my friends are suffering. Just this week a family in our community lost their son along with all their earthly belongings in a house fire. I ran into someone at WalMart who was overwhelmed as the caregiver for her mom, debilitated by Alzheimer's. Earlier today a precious friend of mine emailed me for prayer. Their construction company is hanging by a thread because of the economy. Last week a family promised to sign a contract which would carry the company a little farther. Today, the family called and said they had gone with another builder. My friend's heart was broken and she had to battle fear because her job continues to be on the line.

Wayward children.
State of the Nation.

Friend, the Lord hears our cries. He sees our brokenness and He stands ready to wipe our tears. You are not alone. Yes, it feels like it some days, are not alone. When you walk with the Lord, when you hold Him near, when you call Him your God...when you are in relationship with Him, then you can be sure that the darkness you feel is but the shadow of His wing.

The shadow of His wing.
Think about that for a minute.
Let it course through your soul and bring you peace.

Though the storm swirls about you, He is with you. He is sheltering you, protecting you, comforting you. But you must acknowledge His Presence. Call upon His name...Jesus. Jesus. There is no sweeter name on this earth. And as you call, give Him praise.

Praise will set you free. It will grab hold of your hand and lead you straight to the shelter of His wing.

Bless You, Lord. You are worthy to be praised. You are high and lifted up, mighty in power, glorious in majesty. We love You, Lord. Teach us to praise. Teach us to come into Your Presence in the presence of our enemies. There we are safe. There we find hope. There we are loved. We love You, Lord.

If you received Morning Glory by email, please go to the Morning Glory page to watch a powerful music video: Sheri Easter singing, "Praise His Name".


  1. The words which you have placed before your readers is so timely. I thank you for the verse and the prayer as well. Prayer is more than needed at this time in so many lives that we must find it as a comfort knowing that our Father is listening.

    Blessings to you Nan!

  2. I love you Jewel. Holding you close to my heart...

  3. Some times I like to think of God as Daddy. Sometimes he gives us what we want. Sometimes He pats our back and says "you can do it," and sometimes He just lets us cry on His shoulder. That's what I get from your words. There is a great peace in that. Thanks, Nan.

  4. How sweet! He's my daddy too when I need to crawl up in His lap and be held. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it sweet friend.
