Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Scriptures of Encouragement ~ The Fierce Love of the Father

The young woman crumpled to her knees before the cross - its shadow draping her pain and permeating the empty sanctuary with its presence. Her shoulders heaved with sorrow. Fear and anguish rattled her brain with thoughts of the unthinkable.  Her hopes were dashed. Dreams teased her from a distance, mocking her determination to persevere. With a heart literally ripping in two, this precious daughter of the King cried out, "GOD! NO MORE! No more....I can take no more."

Her voice quietly slipped away.

A Holy Presence filled the sanctuary, cradling the woman in the warm light of God's love. The light was not visible to the naked eye, but it was there. Oh, yes. It was there. The dark crevices lurking in her heart were set ablaze with the Spirit of God. His Living Water flowed freely, seeping deep into the broken places. She rested beneath the shadow of His Wing.

And then the Spirit of God whispered to His Child, My daughter, You are Mine. I am with you. I will never leave you, nor forsake you. Why do you fear? Is there anything too difficult for me? Your dreams are My dreams - My purposes - for you. I have spoken these things to your heart and I will watch over My word to perform it. Do not give up. Do not give in to the lies of the enemy. Stand strong in My love. Stand strong in My grace. Be not ashamed, for you are Mine, the workmanship of My hands. It is I that orchestrates the events in your life. Trust Me. Trust Me and find Me faithful.

The young woman breathed deeply. Peace, that only moments earlier eluded her, now settled upon her troubled soul like a soothing blanket. She still did not know what the future would bring, but she remembered what her momma told her, "I don't know what tomorrow holds, but I know the One who holds tomorrow."

The woman rose. Taking the hand of her Father God, she stepped out into the sunlight of a new day - a day born of travail, but covered in grace and protected by the fierce love of the Most High God.

Beloved, is your spirit wracked with pain? Are fears of the future pummeling you?  Is the cry of your heart beating a hole in your chest? God, your Father, is yearning to hold you and wipe your tears. He only needs an invitation. Won't you run to Him today? Kneel before Him in honest dialogue. Give Him your burdens, your pain. 

You, dear one, are covered in grace and protected by the fierce love of the Most High God. Do not walk in fear. Your Daddy is holding your hand.

"For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him." ~ 2 Chronicles 16:9 

If this message has encouraged you today, would you please take a moment and share it with your friends? I would appreciate it so much. Also, if you haven't already subscribed, please do so. You will receive Morning Glory every Tuesday and Thursday mornings in your inbox - FREE! Just type your email address in the subscribe button at the top right of my blog and click submit. Thank you!
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory page. I found a new song (at least to me) by Kari Jobe titled, "I'm in Love With You". You will be blessed beyond measure as you listen and worship the Lord.


  1. Nan, with the morning I've had so far I needed this. I needed to be reminded of His love and care. Thank you for the sweet reminder. Love you!

    1. I'm so thankful this ministered to you today. It ministered to me, too **grin**. I love it when God does that.

  2. Sweet peace. It washed over me as I read this. Everything WILL be ok. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I can rest in the fact that God does.Thank you for this post. Thank you. And i seem to remember my mom telling me this very thing. "I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know the one that holds tomorrow" ;) I love you so much.

    1. I remember your momma telling you that, too ;) I love you.

  3. Sweet peace. It washed over me as I read this. Everything WILL be ok. I don't know what tomorrow will bring but I can rest in the fact that God does.Thank you for this post. Thank you. And i seem to remember my mom telling me this very thing. "I don't know what tomorrow holds but I know the one that holds tomorrow" ;) I love you so much.
