Friday, April 1, 2011

I Know My Redeemer Lives!

"For I know that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I know, that in my flesh I shall see God, Whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!"
(Job 19:25-27)

As I studied this morning, I kept coming back to this verse.

To begin with, the study of Job is fascinating. Every Christian at some time or another can relate to Job's struggles - his clinging to faith in the face of adversity, the pain of judgment and misunderstanding. Many of us know the raw emotions of losing hope only to find it again in God alone.

Yes, we can relate to Job on many levels.

Perhaps Job 19:25 is the most powerful of all his declarations. It certainly is a model of divine hope, persistent faith and dog-eared determination not to surrender to the attacks of the enemy. I pray that we might learn from Job's example. Listen again to what he says.

"For I KNOW that my Redeemer lives, and He shall stand at last on the earth; And after my skin is destroyed, this I KNOW, that in my flesh I shall see God..."

How does he know?

I believe that the Lord Himself revealed this to Jo
b. It would seem that Job is speaking of a Redeemer/Savior and a physical resurrection to those who believe. It is as if he is speaking of the hope of glory that all Believers hold fast to today.

Only God could have revealed this knowledge to Job. Could it be that this revelation knowledge occurred because of the difficulties Job had endured? I think so.

When we are overcome with hardships, we are faced with choices: Do I trust God, or not? Do I believe God, or not?
Faith based on feel-good emotions flies right out the window during hard times. Only faith with roots will withstand the onslaught of evil that seeks to overwhelm us. Our Father in heaven responds to a child who holds on to faith as the gale-force winds blow against their tattered spirits.

He responds with endearing love.
He catches and keeps our tears in a bottle.
He reveals His Truths while we find refuge in His secret place beneath His wing.

Job said, "I KNOW my Redeemer lives!"

Praise God! I know MY Redeemer lives, also! Shout it from the rooftops! Declare it to the heavens!

And watch your spirit respond with hope.

Father, We shout out Your praise and declare Your glory! You are Who You say You are! You do what You say You will do! And You never abandon Your children. Thank You Father. Even when You allow us to be tossed about for a season, it is with great purpose and even then, You are near and You are overseeing all that pertains to us. There is no greater knowledge than that of knowing our Redeemer lives! Praise You Father. Let that knowledge be the fruit of our struggles. Bless You, Father for Your reassurances. You are faithful, Lord.

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