Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Scriptures of Encouragement ~ His Goodness

The accusation came out of nowhere. Its bite was vicious. Its target was my heart. I recoiled at the thought of having offended someone with my words, with my lessons learned from the hand of God. Friends rallied around me. Emails lit up my inbox.

And the peace of God dwelt richly within me.

In Psalm 31, David said of the Lord, "Oh, how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men!

"You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man: You shall keep them secretly in a shelter from the strife of tongues" (verses 19 & 20).

How GREAT is God's goodness. Abundant. Significant. Intentional.

Dear One, isn't it good to know our precious Father in Heaven not only extends goodness to those who love Him, He also stores it up? He lays it up in abundance so that when the fiery darts of the enemy assail us, His goodness is already in place.

His goodness rights all wrongs.
His goodness shelters His child.
His goodness draws us to His side.

And the fruit of His goodness is the peace that passes all understanding.

Father, thank You for Your goodness. Open the eyes of our hearts to understand the depth of Your goodness towards Your children. You are an amazing, faithful God. We love You, Lord.
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page to worship with Kari Jobe as she sings, "You Are Good". You are a blessing in my life. Sweet blessings to you!


  1. Neat new style!! And you know you're doing something right when the enemy sends fiery darts your way!!! God is Good!!

  2. Isn't it wonderful to know that we can run to Him and be safe? Our God is amazing. Love you back:)

  3. Nan, thank you for your transparency. I don't like the reason for this story, but I love the way you handled it. My heart was sick at the fact that someone would be offended by the words of such a sweet woman with such a beautiful and tender heart. God is really using you in my life as well as many others. I just love you so much, my precious friend!

  4. Thank you for your sweet words. God is good ALL the time. Love you!

  5. As followers of Jesus, we inherit His blessings AND His sufferings. You have been faithful and provided a picture of both. Thank you for always pointing us to Jesus!
