Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Scriptures of Encouragement ~ The Proverbial Holy Box

There it is, resting on my top shelf - a place of honor. It's wrapped in brilliant gold-leaf speckled with diamond dust. The handle is crusted in sapphires with a smattering of emeralds. Golden cherubim sit quietly upon the corners - after all, this is a holy box - the proverbial box where I place God when I try to go it alone.

It's actually quite beautiful.

And convenient.

Whenever I think I can handle something better, or whenever I'm too busy to listen to His instruction, or whenever I'm disillusioned with what I perceive to be a lack of response, I put Him back in my box.

It's quite sad, actually. Beautiful box, but very, very sad.

Do you do the same? Do you keep the proverbial holy box handy to contain an Almighty God? Why do we think this is possible?

I believe religion puts God in the box. 
I believe relationship takes Him out. 

Rich, intimate relationship. Moment to moment sharing. Laughter mixed with pain. Joy consumed by sorrows. Fear transformed by perfect peace. Holding hands - heart to heart.


For it is in relationship we learn how wide, how high, how deep is the Father's love.

"Be strong and of good courage, 
do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, 
He is the One who goes with you. 
He will not leave you nor forsake you." 
~ Deuteronomy 31:6

He walks with me, but I won't recognize His Presence if I don't take Him out of the beautiful, holy box.


If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page, especially if you're seeking God's Presence in your struggles. I'm featuring Kim Walker singing "How He Loves Us". It's long - 9 minutes, but 9 minutes out of 24 hours will be well worth it if you're hurting, disillusioned, or feel all alone. I'm praying for you. Sweet blessings my friend.


  1. So many quotable quotes in this piece, Nan! Thank you for the reminder that He can handle everything, even when I think I don't need Him to!

    1. You're more than welcome to use them anytime you want to. I'd be honored. Thanks for stopping by.
