Thursday, November 5, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ Responding to the Knowledge of God

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

If God is for us - and He is - then who can be against us?

In Lord, I Want to Know You, Kay Arthur wrote, "The children of Israel reacted over and over again to the circumstances of life rather than responding to the knowledge of God." All of us are guilty of that sometimes. Perhaps it's human nature. Perhaps it boils down to the requisite of walking by faith and not by sight - to being in this world, but not of this world. 



But this truth is more than a catchy phrase. This truth is phenomenal. This is the kind of truth that will set us free.

I've come to appreciate the sovereignty of God so much. It's hard to explain. When I understand - when you understand - that God is sovereign, then I understand that He's my constant in an ever-changing world. When I understand and take hold of the fact that He's the authority in my world and that nothing comes my way without His knowledge, I find peace. 

Yes, circumstances may take my breath away momentarily, but then I come back to my center and catch my balance. El Elyon - the Sovereign Lord - is never taken by surprise by anything that happens to His child. He's aware of the difficulty or injustice long before it appears on our path. El Elyon has eternal purposes in all things, and He always has a plan. He rules supremely over all things.

I've been living this principle out loud in recent days - trusting in the sovereignty of my God, huddling under the protective armor of His authority in my life. Isn't it wonderful to know that all things work together for those who love Him and are called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28)? Yes and amen! 

All things, including broken hearts and broken lives.

All things.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God in difficult circumstances? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet) 

(This is an excerpt from my book The Perils of a Pastor's Wife. I would love for you to consider purchasing this for your pastor's wife. 
The Perils of a Pastor's Wife is available on Amazon.) 



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