Sunday, November 8, 2015

Where is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Lord, because of who You are I give You glory. Because of who You are I give You praise. And through blinding tears of hurt and confusion, I remember that You are a God of Peace. I remember that You are good, sovereign, and faithful. I ask that You calm  my restless heart and bring my thoughts captive to You. I ask that You hide me beneath the shadow of Your wing until these calamities pass me by. Thank You for Your protective love. I love You Lord. I love You for who You are - the One True God who pursues me with Your love and finds me in my hiding places when it hurts too much to come out from the shadows. Thank You for loving me.

Thank You for loving my friends too. Cause them to sense Your beautiful Presence surrounding them, shielding them from the fiery darts of the enemy that come to destroy and kill the joy of the Lord. Open their ears to hear Your sweet whispers bidding them to come. Affirm them in their decisions. Light their path as they seek to obey You in all things. Confirm their steps. Stir the seed of faith within them to know the One in whom they have believed and then help them believe You for great things in their lives. You are the God of Impossibilities. I believe You take delight in showing Yourself mighty to Your children.

Bless You Lord. You are mighty and good, tender and kind. You are our all in all. We love You Lord.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God in my confusion? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)

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