Sunday, December 15, 2013

How Do I Find God? Sunday Glimpses

Father God, teach us to behold You - to consider You, to contemplate Your goodness. Teach us to sit with You and learn of Your ways. Forgive us for the mere glance we make in Your direction as we busy ourselves with Your birthday celebration. Forgive us for the stench of busyness, when it forgoes our time to behold You. Lord, I see Your light in my darkness. I hear Your whispers, perhaps Your shouts from over the hill trying to get my attention. Help me find my peace in You. Set Your grace on fire towards me and towards my friends who desire the knowledge of Your love, the actuality of Your peace and Presence. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your gift of Jesus so that we might know You and walk with You and live with You forever. Through Your gift we find our peace. We are complete in You, Lord. Nothing more, nothing less - in You and You alone. Please stir within us the desire to behold You and find newness of life. You are wonderful, Lord. We give you glory and honor and praise.

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Please do not carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray with you. You may contact me directly at
If you received Morning Glory via email, please visit the Morning Glory  page. You will be blessed by Mark Schultz singing "When Love Was Born".


  1. "Forgive us for the stench of busyness." Powerful!

    1. I know. I felt it when I wrote it! Thanks for stopping by, Vonda.
