Sunday, December 22, 2013

How Do I Find God? Sunday Glimpses

Jesus, I need Your peace, Your perfect peace, Your peace that the world cannot take away. Thank You for Your peace. Thank You for giving me the understanding that You, Yourself are my peace. How amazing is that? The Prince of Peace resides in me! Lord, open my eyes to see! Awaken my heart to embrace this Truth. My peace is not dependent on my circumstances - not if You're my peace. And You are. Peace is a gift. I need only to open the gift and accept it - not try to figure it out - just accept it, embrace it, and walk in it as I hold Your hand and walk with You. Thank You, Lord. Your peace is eternal. Your peace has been bought with a price just for me. Thank You for Your gift. I love You Jesus. Forgive me for when I take my eyes off of You.
Are you heavy-laden this Christmas? Please don't carry your burden alone. I would be honored to pray with you. You may contact me directly at