Sunday, March 15, 2015

Where Is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Father, You are immovable. Unshakeable. You are mighty, yet tender in Your love for us. We give You praise for You alone are worthy of our praise. 

What a privilege it is to know You and to walk this earth with You. We are never alone because You, O Lord are with us, holding us by the right hand, sheltering us from the storms, hiding us from our enemies. Thank You for that amazing knowledge. Thank You Lord.

You promise that Your mercies are new every morning and I know that to be true. Your grace flows steady like a mountain stream caressing the stones in our lives - those hard places that try to separate us from You - making the rough places smooth. Thank You for Your grace and mercy that know no bounds. 

Thank you that truly Your grace is enough for whatever we face, for whatever we are called to endure ... Your grace is enough. Teach us to recognize Your grace actively penetrating our lives, making all things new, making all things work together for our good.

You are magnificent Lord. Forgive us for when we take You for granted, for those times we put You in a box and display You on a shelf for our glory rather than magnify Your name with our lives. Stir up our faith and cause it to spring forth with joy and purpose and tenacious grit. Help us to always walk by faith and not by sight. 

We can trust You Lord, and we do. We can hope in You Lord, and we do. When the enemy surrounds us, we can hide in You and we do. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I want to hide? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (Click to Tweet)

Please do not carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at

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