Sunday, January 5, 2014

How Do I Find God? Sunday Glimpses

Father God, Awaken our hearts to love You, to cherish You, to understand that we walk with Almighty God. How can it be? How can there be a love so sublime? So magnificent? How can we ever grasp the depth of Your love? Thank You. Thank You for making a way for us to know You. Thank You for Jesus who is the embodiment of who You are. Oh what love! Oh what sacrifice! May we never take it for granted. Help us to love You for You, not for what You can do for us. Stir within us Lord, and awaken us from our slumber, for You are a great God. Merciful and kind. Faithful and true. You alone are worthy of our praise.
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How can there be a love so sublime? So magnificent? (Click to Tweet)

Stir within us Lord, and awaken us from our slumber, for You are a great God. (Click to Tweet)
My sweet friend, I don't want you to carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me at

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