Sunday, January 4, 2015

Where Is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Father, I love You. You are awesome in power, tender in love. Bless You, Lord. Thank You for being my constant, my sure place, my anchor in this ferocious storm. Even though the storm rages, You lead me to Your quiet place where I can rest and be comforted by Your Presence. I praise You for this miracle of Your love. I'm so thankful for You!

Lord, I ask that You shelter my friends also. Many are hurting, confused, overwhelmed by life's responsibilities. Many are hungry and thirsty for Your Word, but feel unworthy of Your holiness. I ask that You would open their ears to hear You whispering their names to come to You and bask in the healing warmth of Your magnificent love. Heal their wounds. Restore their lives. Renew their relationship with You where it has faltered. I ask that You send Your healing balm of Gilead throughout their broken lives, filling the destruction with the golden thread of Your presence and wonder.

Give us the wings of eagles to rise about the fray, to soar in the heights with You. Help us to see our troubles from Your perspective, with Your eyes and to know that this hard spot is but a blip on the radar with regard to our life's journeys. Help us to live in the moment knowing that You are in the moment with us. What an amazing thought! Hide us beneath the shadow of Your wing until these calamities pass us by. Shelter us Lord. Comfort us, and help us laugh. Oh how we need to laugh! Thank You for the gift of joy. Thank You for the gift of Your love that subdues the restless heart. We love You Lord. We praise You for You alone are worthy of praise.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I need Him the most? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (Click to Tweet) 

Please do not carry your burden alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me at

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