Sunday, July 12, 2015

Where is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

I bless You Lord. I praise Your Name, for You alone are worthy of my praise! You alone are the true Living God. Not religion. Not some great spiritual concept that we twist and turn to fit our own desires. No. You, Lord, are the One True God and I love You. I stand amazed at Your goodness. I am eternally grateful for Your faithfulness in my life. Where would I be without You Lord? Where would I be?

Many are seeking today. Many don't even know what they are looking for, but they recognize there is a void in their lives. Just as You hovered over the void of what became the earth and created light out of darkness, and a universe out of nothing, I ask that You surround those who are seeking with Your Spirit and draw them to You. Open their hearts to receive Your Truth. Lead them to the Cross, Lord, where Your light penetrates their darkness and where You take a broken life, an empty life, a desperate life and make it whole. Thank You Lord. Thank You for Your tender pursuit of Your child.

I ask that You stir up a hunger and thirst within each of us that only You can satisfy. We want to know You, Lord. We want to walk hand in hand with You every moment of every day. You are our God and we belong to You. Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I'm seeking Him? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (Click to Tweet)

Please don't carry your burdens alone. I'd be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at 

Are you in a difficult season? Are you searching for the nearness of God in the midst of your struggle? I know how that feels. That's why I've created a facebook community page so anyone who needs to can get away from the chaos and focus on the Lord for a few minutes. Seeing Beyond The Veil is filled with worship songs, scriptures, inspiring quotes, and testimonies of God's faithfulness. Won't you come away for awhile, cease your striving, and remember that He is God? I hope you'll join us.


  1. I love the words you share from your heart, sweet friend! You are always a blessing to me!
