Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ When Storm Clouds Obscure Our Vision

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

We couldn't see the Blood Moon in the mountains of North Carolina on Sunday night. It was there, but we couldn't see it.

Cloud-cover as thick as molasses filled the sky and obliterated our view. Rain poured for hours removing any hope of seeing this phenomenon of biblical proportions. There was room to doubt the moon's existence if its reality was only contingent on sight - there was absolutely no visual to substantiate what others were telling us.

Yet I knew it was there. In spite of the rain. Behind the cloud cover. Beyond the veil of a soggy night ... the Blood Moon was there.

God is like that.

We don't have to see Him for the Truth of His Presence to be validated. The truth of His Presence is established in His Word. He is there whether I acknowledge Him or not. But oh how sweet it is to acknowledge Him by faith.

"...and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." ~ Matthew 28:20

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One, who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you." ~ Deuteronomy 31:6

"And He [the Lord] said, 'My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest'" ~ Exodus 33:14 

When our spiritual eyes are blinded by storm clouds as thick as molasses, it's time to press into God's Word, ask Him to stir up our faith and make it strong - ask Him to open our eyes that we might see Him and know His Presence according to His Word.

Because just like the Blood Moon whose presence was obscured by the rain, the Lord your God is with you, even if you can't see Him.

Oh how sweet it is to acknowledge Him by faith.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I can't see Him? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)

 The Perils of a Pastor's Wife
by Nan Jones

Chapter One
After the Fire, A Gentle Whisper 

ONLY GOD KNEW where my husband was. I had run from the business meeting before its completion. Tempers flared. Tongues were unleashed, and nearly three years of fruitful ministry were all but destroyed. My heart beat madly within my chest, fighting desperately not to break from the pain of rejection. Angry tears stung my cheeks as I bolted from the sanctuary. I didn’t know if I could continue in this thing called ministry. God was asking too much of me.

My husband, David, and I had been ministering in the small rural church for three years. Under his leadership and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the church had experienced exponential growth. God’s mercy and grace flowed into the lives of our people. Church had become a place of joy, restoration, and refuge.

Then evil reared its ugly head.

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife may be purchased on Amazon. This would make the perfect gift for Pastor Appreciation Month (October).



Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ Keeping a Grip on Hope

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

The preacher spoke directly to me - his words flung from the pulpit straight to my heart: "Jeremiah wrote Lamentations after his world as he had known it fell apart. But after his lament, Jeremiah reminded himself why he had hope - he recalled God's faithfulness."

 "I’ll never forget the trouble, the utter lostness,
    the taste of ashes, the poison I’ve swallowed.
I remember it all—oh, how well I remember—
    the feeling of hitting the bottom.
But there’s one other thing I remember,
    and remembering, I keep a grip on hope:
God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,
    his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
    How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
    He’s all I’ve got left."
~ Lamentations 3:19-24, MSG

As sure as the sunrise is God's faithfulness to His children - His mercies are new every morning, His compassions never fail. What a glorious Truth! I may have been crushed - you may have been crushed - but in the crushing of a child of God, the fragrance of Christ is released. The fragrance of Christ is beautiful, healing, comforting.

The fragrance of Christ testifies of God's Presence.

The sweet aroma shouts to the world that we belong to the Lord God - that He is our portion, our inheritance. It announces to the enemy of our souls that what he meant for evil, God will use for good in our lives.

And when I remember that - when I recall His faithfulness - I keep a grip on hope.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

 The Perils of a Pastor's Wife
by Nan Jones

Chapter One
After the Fire, A Gentle Whisper 

ONLY GOD KNEW where my husband was. I had run from the business meeting before its completion. Tempers flared. Tongues were unleashed, and nearly three years of fruitful ministry were all but destroyed. My heart beat madly within my chest, fighting desperately not to break from the pain of rejection. Angry tears stung my cheeks as I bolted from the sanctuary. I didn’t know if I could continue in this thing called ministry. God was asking too much of me.

My husband, David, and I had been ministering in the small rural church for three years. Under his leadership and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the church had experienced exponential growth. God’s mercy and grace flowed into the lives of our people. Church had become a place of joy, restoration, and refuge.

Then evil reared its ugly head.

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife may be purchased on Amazon. This would make the perfect gift for Pastor Appreciation Month (October).



Sunday, September 20, 2015

Where is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones  @NanJonesAuthor

Father, draw me closer. I want to know You in all Your fullness, to bask in Your glory, to be embraced by Your love. You never cease to amaze me with Your goodness. Thank You. I find my completeness in You.

I lift up my friends to You today - those who need to be reminded who they are. The world comes in to chip away at the reality that we are children of the Most High God, we are heir to Your kingdom, recipients of Your promises. That is so hard to comprehend, that often we put that knowledge on a shelf and don't walk in its Truth. Help each of us walk in that Truth daily. Awaken our hearts to take hold, stand up, and go forward boldly knowing that You are with us. We are not alone. We have the power of the Holy Spirit within us, the protective surround of Your presence hedging us in before and from behind. That is powerful Lord! Absolutely powerful! Open our eyes to see. Thank You Lord. 

We rejoice in Your love, Your faithfulness, and Your mercy that is new every morning. You are the Mighty God, Jehovah rapha - our Healer, Jehovah jireh - our Provider, Jehovah tsidkenu -our Righteousness. Thank You Lord. Bless the Name of the Lord!

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I forget who I am? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)

Please don't carry your burdens alone. If you need prayer I'm just an email away. You may contact me directly at nan@jubilantlight.com 

Does your life feel chaotic? Are you overwhelmed with worry and just want to step away for a moment? These are the reasons I created a facebook community page, Seeing Beyond the Veil. It's a small oasis in our world of frenzy. On Seeing Beyond the Veil you'll find worship videos, scriptures, encouraging quotes, prayers ... you'll find reminders that you are loved by an awesome God. Won't you join us? 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ There is Grace

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

A few mornings ago I awoke to that desperate feeling that comes when you realize your life is forever changed. Despair had nearly killed me. Heartbreak beyond description left me breathless on numerous occasions. My healing process is steady, but there are still days that I am consumed with emotional pain.

This was one of those days. 

I pressed into Jesus that morning and let the tears free-fall. And fall they did. Torrents of teardrops rushed from the cracks in my broken heart. I listened to a beautiful song, There is Grace, by Lara Landon that spoke truth to me, releasing even more tears, this time cleansing ones:

       Could it really be this simple?

       Well You know how hard I try
       To measure up to what I think You're wanting
       Earn the right to be the apple of Your eye.

       The truth is there is nothing I could do to make 

                You love me more.
       Nothing I could do to make You love me less.

       It always has been and always will be

       About the love You lavish on me.
       Though undeserving and bringing nothing
       How sweet to find that there is grace.

       Teach me how to rest here in Your Presence

       For more than just a moment or two
       Let Your grace become a revelation
       So that every step I take is in this Truth.

       The truth is there is nothing I could do to make

               You love me more.
       Nothing I could do to make You love me less.

       It always has been and always will be

       About the love You lavish on me.
       Though undeserving and bringing nothing
       How sweet to find that there is grace.

       There is grace.

Grace. God's grace is enough. Poured out freely from the One who loves us with an everlasting love, His grace fills the broken places, covers the pain of loss, soothes the endless hurt, and calms the restless heart. Though undeserving and bringing nothing, how sweet to find that there is grace.

Sweet friend, are you in a place of brokenness? I pray that you, too, will find that God's grace is enough.

His grace is amazing.


A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God when I'm broken? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (click to tweet)


 The Perils of a Pastor's Wife
by Nan Jones

Chapter One
After the Fire, A Gentle Whisper 

ONLY GOD KNEW where my husband was. I had run from the business meeting before its completion. Tempers flared. Tongues were unleashed, and nearly three years of fruitful ministry were all but destroyed. My heart beat madly within my chest, fighting desperately not to break from the pain of rejection. Angry tears stung my cheeks as I bolted from the sanctuary. I didn’t know if I could continue in this thing called ministry. God was asking too much of me.

My husband, David, and I had been ministering in the small rural church for three years. Under his leadership and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the church had experienced exponential growth. God’s mercy and grace flowed into the lives of our people. Church had become a place of joy, restoration, and refuge.

Then evil reared its ugly head.

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife may be purchased on Amazon. This would make the perfect gift for Pastor Appreciation Month (October).



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ What to Do When Anxiety Washes Over You

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Sometimes anxiety washes over me, depleting my energy, leaving me limp with weakness. Like the shifting sand beneath the power of an ebbing tide, I lose my sure footing. A misty fog shrouds any clear thoughts that try to stand their ground and leaves me straining to walk by faith and not by sight because I can't find my way.

Do you ever feel like this? Do you ever find yourself letting your guard down, lowering your shield of faith only to find yourself getting zapped by a fiery dart of the enemy? The poison in the dart is swift and sure and finds its mark making a way of entry for the anxiety, the shifting sand, and the fog that clouds the mind.

It's a relentless cycle, isn't it?

Or it can be, if we don't learn how to stop it.

The Lord is teaching me. Some days I don't have the gumption to do the things I know to do, but those days are becoming fewer. I'm beginning to understand in my knower that God IS my refuge - I mean really know it and act on it. I'm learning that stopping the busyness, if only for a few moments, and resting IN Him calms the furious storm. His Presence stabilizes my footing and anoints my heart with His  peace that surpasses all understanding.

But it requires obedience to His quiet whisper to come and sit with Him awhile.

Are you caught in this same cycle? Let's break these chains together. I'll scoot over and make room for you while we sit with the One who loves us with a perfect love.

For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: 
In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] 
you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength.
~ Isaiah 30:15, AMP

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

 The Perils of a Pastor's Wife
by Nan Jones

Chapter One
After the Fire, A Gentle Whisper 

ONLY GOD KNEW where my husband was. I had run from the business meeting before its completion. Tempers flared. Tongues were unleashed, and nearly three years of fruitful ministry were all but destroyed. My heart beat madly within my chest, fighting desperately not to break from the pain of rejection. Angry tears stung my cheeks as I bolted from the sanctuary. I didn’t know if I could continue in this thing called ministry. God was asking too much of me.

My husband, David, and I had been ministering in the small rural church for three years. Under his leadership and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the church had experienced exponential growth. God’s mercy and grace flowed into the lives of our people. Church had become a place of joy, restoration, and refuge.

Then evil reared its ugly head.

The Perils of a Pastor's Wife may be purchased on Amazon. This would make the perfect gift for Pastor Appreciation Month (October).


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Where is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Blessed be Your name O Lord, for You are holy and worthy of our praise. You are the Mighty God who walks on the wings of the wind, who places the stars in the heavens, and tells the oceans how far to come. What a wonder You are Lord!

I desire to yield fully to Your authority in my life, but there is a tug-of-war between flesh and spirit. I'm learning though. I know my spirit is growing, my faith deepening and I'm finding it easier to submit to Your Lordship when my stubbornness rears its ugly head. Thank You for transforming me. I want to be all I can be for your glory.

I know many of my friends feel the same way. Awaken our hearts to understand Your sovereignty, Your Holiness. I ask that You encourage my friends, fill their broken places with Your Living Water. Anoint them with Your peace that passes all understanding.

Thank You for Your love. You are amazing. We love You Lord.

A Tweetable to Encourage Others

Where is God? SUNDAY GLIMPSES by @NanJonesAuthor Drawing you closer to Him. (click to tweet) 

Please don't carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at nan@jubilantlight.com 

Does your life feel chaotic? Are you overwhelmed with worry and just want to step away for a moment? These are the reasons I created a facebook community page, Seeing Beyond the Veil. It's a small oasis in our world of frenzy. On Seeing Beyond the Veil you'll find worship videos, scriptures, encouraging quotes, prayers ... you'll find reminders that you are loved by an awesome God. Won't you join us?



Thursday, September 10, 2015

Finding God's Presence ~ Winter's End

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Guest blogger, David Stearman  @DavidStearman

It's a pleasure to introduce to you David Stearman. He and I share the same publisher, Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Not only is David a novelist, singer and songwriter, he also breeds parrots and grows orchids! How cool is that? We are praying that you will be touched by his thoughts and encouraged in your journey.

Welcome David!

 For behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone, the flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. ~ Song of Solomon 2:11-12

But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that grows brighter and brighter to the perfect day. ~ Proverbs 4:18

Winter. Not my favorite season. Sure, sometimes it snows and everything looks beautiful. Even the air is exhilarating. But here in the southern United States, most winter days are just cold and gray.

But before long the Earth tilts, tipping us closer to the sun. The days grow longer, the flowers appear, the songbirds return, and soon we’re reveling in spring’s warm embrace. This change is inevitable. The natural forces God set in motion at Creation cannot be prevented or circumvented. 

And your life will get better, too; God promises it in the Bible. The spiritual forces He set in motion by way of His word are irresistible. By placing your faith in these promises, you align yourself with the Power that drives the seasons. Yes, the God who created the universe declares that your life will get better and better until the Perfect Day.

Today’s Prayer: Lord, things seem cold and gray in my life right now, but I know they won’t stay that way. You’ve promised that my days will grow brighter and brighter, and I trust you to bring this to pass. Soon enough it will be springtime in my life again and these challenging times will be long-gone and forgotten

A Tweetable to Encourage Others 

Where is God when life is hard? @DavidStearman offers a glimpse via @NanJonesAuthor. (click to tweet)

Meet David:
David Stearman is a songwriter/recording artist turned novelist, who specializes in romance and adventure stories. He has a special love for the tropics which is reflected in both his novels and personal life. (In the form of hobbies like breeding parrots and growing orchids.) He travels widely, writing about the places he visits in a way that makes his readers feel they've been there too.

David's novel, HOT! is available on Amazon :

A total life do-over, that’s what Jake needs; a chance to unmake his past mistakes. Because in his zeal to fulfill his beloved dream of wealth and fame, Jake lost Chloe, the one he loved above all else. First he betrayed her. Then came the drugs. And in the real world, opportunities to undo things like that just don’t happen. Or do they? Could a paparazzi-induced traffic accident actually provide an opportunity for Jake to restore his ruined life? Set against the glitzy backdrop of the recording business, HOT tells the story of a young man’s dream to restore the dream he lived before his dreams came true.

Connect with David here:

Twitter Link: @DavidStearman
Facebook Link: david.stearman
Goodreads Link:David_Stearman
My Blog: tropikbird.wordpress.com/