Saturday, January 22, 2011


"Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people."
(Hebrews 2:17)

Do you know what comes to mind as I read this? The word "intentional". Odd? Yes, but look at the wording. The verse begins with, "in all things He HAD to be made like His brethren." Why? So that He would be a merciful and faithful High Priest - mediator - for us in all things pertaining to God.

Intentional. Done with design and purpose.

Aaron is perhaps the Old Testament priest we are most familiar with. He and his sons were designated by God to minister to the Lord as priests in the Tabernacle while in the wilderness (Exodus 28:1). As the chief priest - High Priest - Aaron was Israel's main representative before God AND He was God's representative before the people.

Aaron was a foreshadow of Jesus as our High Priest.

So what, besides the obvious, distinguishes Aaron from Jesus? Aaron did not have the power to make a sinner righteous before God - he could not transform a heart.

He could follow his priestly duties to the letter.
He could present sacrifices to the Lord on behalf of the people every day.
He could even be happy that he was chosen as the chief priest.

But Aaron could not place the robe of righteousness on anyone - he could not even make himself righteous!

Only Jesus could do this.

And that's why Jesus had to walk this earth as a man. As our High Priest, it is His job to represent us to God and to represent God to us.
Make sense? I know! Isn't it great?

Because Jesus walked the earth as a man He understands us - our struggles, our heartbreaks, our fears and temptations. Therefore, with compassion and sensitivity, He presents us before the Father, making intercession on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25).

Jesus HAD to be made like us.
Intentional. Done with design and purpose.

Father, Thank You so much for Jesus. Thank You for understanding that we are a peculiar people in need of a Savior - One Who understands us, Who is sensitive and compassionate towards our needs. I pray that we never take His sacrifice for granted. Open our eyes that we might see Him seated at Your right hand making intercession for us. I think, for the first time, I have a handle on what this Truth means. Thank You, Lord for giving me understanding. I love You, Lord.

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