Sunday, November 16, 2014

Where Is God? Sunday Glimpses

by Nan Jones   @NanJonesAuthor

Lord, I'm overwhelmed with the thought of You, Your love, Your tender care. Thankfulness runs free in my spirit - not thankfulness for my circumstances, but thankfulness for You. What peace I find when I think of You. My broken and wounded spirit can rest when I focus on You. My fears subside. My questions. My doubts. My confusion abates in Your Presence. In Your presence a glorious Light shines into my darkness consuming its power. Lord, I praise you for this remarkable gift of being with us always. Thank You. 

I bring my friends before your throne of grace. As we kneel before You I ask that You fill our hearts with the knowledge of Your love. Awaken our hearts to worship You. To trust You. To dare to take You at Your Word. You promise to provide for us. To protect us. To Deliver us from evil. And You do! You are not a man that You should lie. Cause faith to rise anew in our hearts. Restore a childlike trust in You as our Abba, Father - Daddy God.  Awaken the joy of our salvation that is buried beneath the struggles of the journey. Please pour out Your grace and mercy on my friends who need to know that You are near. Bless You, Lord. You are an amazing God. You alone are worthy of our praise.

Tweetables to Encourage Others

Where is God when the journey is hard? @NanJonesAuthor offers a glimpse. (Click to Tweet)

How can I be thankful for this? @NanJonesAuthor offers insight. (Click to Tweet)

Please do not carry your burdens alone. I would be honored to pray for you. You may contact me directly at 

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